
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Bath, UK

Yesterday I got the opportunity to explore Bath for a day. It was an incredible city--my absolute favorite so far. The Roman Baths hot springs served as a place of retreat and worship for Romans who were in the UK during the 2nd century. It's a real shame that today they do not allow visitors to swim in these pools, because the water is a very nice, naturally controlled temperature. I would highly recommend Bath to anyone who plans on traveling to Europe because the culture here is impeccable. Shops are unique and cute, as are restaurants and tea shops. Hometown of Jane Austen, Bath showcases a museum dedicated to her influential work and early years as a writer. Ancient cathedrals tower over the rest of the buildings in their magnificence. Interestingly enough, church services are still held in these historical buildings. I spent 4 hours in the city, but I definitely could have spent a whole day exploring and photographing had I been allowed.

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