
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day Trip in Wales 1/16/12

Here are some pics of my adventures in Wales so far! On Monday my orientation class and I went to Mumbles and then a Rhossili to see some pretty cool sights. My university is furthest north point on this map Mumbles is on the right and Rhossili is on the left. Just a reminder: You can click on the images to view them in a larger format.

Rhossili, Mumbles, Swansea University

Our tour guide telling us about Wales. She loves to say things are "Absolutely fantastic". She really loves Wales I think.

Swansea homes on the large hill in the background there.

Near the harbor in Swansea we saw a fishing boat. You can see across the bay to Port Talbot, Wales which is northeast of Swansea.

Light house in Mumbles.

Me and the lighthouse!

Restaurant called the Catsellamare Ristorante overlooking the lighthouse (which would be to the left).

More Mumbles

Gower Peninsula in Rhossili

A sheep I snuck up on. They walk right up the the edge of a couple hundred foot cliff like it's nothin'!

The vikings thought that the tip of the Rhossili peninsula looked like a sea monster coming up onto land.

They have so many cars here that I've never seen before.

In these pastures is where the sheep graze all day long in the beauty of Wales. Keep in mind that this is winter! Look at how green the grass is!

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