
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Friday the 13th

And so another adventure begins… I am currently on an airplane on my way to the United Kingdom where I will be studying abroad for 6 months. I will be studying at Swansea University in Wales. I am very excited, partly because I’ve never been to another country before, much less LIVED (temporarily) in another country before!

Travels have been OK so far. Actually to be quite honest, before I got on this flight things were going quite terribly! When I got to my gate at the airport after saying goodbye to my mom I sat down and shortly after, United announced that my flight would be delayed by 30 minutes while a mechanic tended to a ‘cosmetic’ issue with the plane. This didn’t seem like a big deal because I had a 50-minute layover in O’Hare, from which I would then fly to London Heathrow. Well, 30 minutes had passed and they still were not boarding the plane, which made me a little nervous…. Finally we boarded the plane, but we sat. And sat and sat and SAT! 2 hours later, after a few very (suspiciously) long “half hour”s and “Just-five-more-minutes” and “we-will-be-departing-shortly”s, the people sitting around me and I realized that we were never going get off the ground, much less make my connecting flight. So I decided to get off that plane and go up to customer service and try to get another flight. Well it worked and they found a flight for me through Delta, which was a direct flight to Heathrow! What a relief. I had to wait patiently because it didn’t depart from MSP until 9:35, but I was thankful to have a flight with no connection to make on the other side. After all, what more could I expect on a Friday, the 13th?

So here I am, sitting on my flight with 8 hours to kill… I think I’ll take a nap or two while I’m at it. I suppose that this will probably be one of the longest posts I’ve ever done simply because I have so much time. I’m a bit nervous about finding the right train to Wales once I get on the ground, but I’m trying to stay positive.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for adventures in the land of Wales! I’ll post some pictures as soon as I can.


1 comment:

  1. Great story. Glad you made it, and looking forward to hearing all the awesome adventures. You should post the link to your blog on Facebook!
