
Monday, February 27, 2012

Musical Talent in Bath

While in Bath, I came across this man playing guitar for people walking by the Roman Baths. I couldn't help but wonder if he was a famous musician because he had amazing talent. I managed to take a little video of one of his songs. If you were a famous musician, would you go into the public and play just to see if people pay attention or notice you? I think I would. There's something about just doing what they love and performing for people all the time, despite the fact that they make hardly any money, that makes me respect them very highly.

I came across another street performer who was actually quite amazing as well! I didn't get a recording, but I managed a picture! Sometimes it amazes me how people seem to completely miss out on and ignore such amazing musicians who are contributing their talents to the overall atmosphere of a wonderful place, and basically for free.


  1. do you have any idea who the man with the ponytail is? i was traveling through bath and i heard his music and i was amazed! i was wondering how i might get some of his music. it looks like he has some cds or something on his guitar case, do you know his name?

  2. I sadly do not know his name. I wish I would have written it down!

  3. His name is Daniel Gerrard.
