
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Bath, UK

Yesterday I got the opportunity to explore Bath for a day. It was an incredible city--my absolute favorite so far. The Roman Baths hot springs served as a place of retreat and worship for Romans who were in the UK during the 2nd century. It's a real shame that today they do not allow visitors to swim in these pools, because the water is a very nice, naturally controlled temperature. I would highly recommend Bath to anyone who plans on traveling to Europe because the culture here is impeccable. Shops are unique and cute, as are restaurants and tea shops. Hometown of Jane Austen, Bath showcases a museum dedicated to her influential work and early years as a writer. Ancient cathedrals tower over the rest of the buildings in their magnificence. Interestingly enough, church services are still held in these historical buildings. I spent 4 hours in the city, but I definitely could have spent a whole day exploring and photographing had I been allowed.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Name That Plant!

During the winter in MN, it gets 75 degrees colder than summer and snows. In Wales it only gets 10 degrees colder (around 50) and it rains! To be honest I think I enjoy the more extreme weather in MN better. It's always so windy and rainy here during the winter and a very cold 50 degrees if you ask me!

One thing I DO like about the weather here is that it allows most plants with the exception of trees to stay green! I find the plant life here to be quite interesting and beautiful!

Cute little plant I found on an ancient staircase.

The ivy here is incredible.

When I first saw one of these plants, I thought it was a fake, plastic Christmas tree! Turns out it's a living thing! Very weird... I've looked all over the internet and I haven't been able to find a thing about these plants! Let me know if you know what it is!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Field Trip 1/21/12

Today (Saturday), my class went on another field trip! We went to an outdoor history museum called St. Faggans just outside Cardiff, and a retired coal mine called Big Pit near Blaenavon. They were both in effect history museums, so I got to see lots of very OLD things today. St. Faggans was beautiful. Some highlights were a castle and incredible landscaping that I included a few pictures of. After that, we took a long bus ride over to Big Pit which was my favorite part. We got to put on hardhats with lights and belts that had an emergency air filter (in case gases raised to a dangerous level). They took us 300 feet down and gave us a tour of what the mines were like in the early 1900's. Our tour guide definitely didn't sell me on mining- it seems like torture to me! It's so dusty and dark down there. Unfortunately they didn't allow us to bring cameras down because dry cell batteries can spark? Here are some pics for ya!

Places I've been so far.

Apparently that's how they used to make clothes. It's still in working order at the museum! They're making a blanket on the right.

Old boat house. And me.

The only picture I was able to get of the mine.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day Trip in Wales 1/16/12

Here are some pics of my adventures in Wales so far! On Monday my orientation class and I went to Mumbles and then a Rhossili to see some pretty cool sights. My university is furthest north point on this map Mumbles is on the right and Rhossili is on the left. Just a reminder: You can click on the images to view them in a larger format.

Rhossili, Mumbles, Swansea University

Our tour guide telling us about Wales. She loves to say things are "Absolutely fantastic". She really loves Wales I think.

Swansea homes on the large hill in the background there.

Near the harbor in Swansea we saw a fishing boat. You can see across the bay to Port Talbot, Wales which is northeast of Swansea.

Light house in Mumbles.

Me and the lighthouse!

Restaurant called the Catsellamare Ristorante overlooking the lighthouse (which would be to the left).

More Mumbles

Gower Peninsula in Rhossili

A sheep I snuck up on. They walk right up the the edge of a couple hundred foot cliff like it's nothin'!

The vikings thought that the tip of the Rhossili peninsula looked like a sea monster coming up onto land.

They have so many cars here that I've never seen before.

In these pastures is where the sheep graze all day long in the beauty of Wales. Keep in mind that this is winter! Look at how green the grass is!