
Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Once upon a time a couple buddies and I decided we wanted to join an intramural team, but couldn't decide which team to join because of all the options at Iowa State!  This all changed when we came across the intramural curling tournament.  We quickly signed up because we realized it was the opportunity of a lifetime! We quickly got put together a team of 5 elite Minnesotans and a silly Illinoisan.  We soon decided that our team name should be "The Llamas", simply because we couldn't think of a more amazing animal. On Sunday, September 12th at midnight our first match began! From the very moment we stepped out onto the ice, we all felt at home right away. Our team unity was unmatched. In the huddle before the match, I gave a Llama inspired speech, and we all concluded it with a 123 llama cry!  The match was long and very competitive, but we ended up winning 6-2.  This removed all doubt in our minds that we would be the 2014 Olympic Curling Champions! 

Here are a few bits of media to give you a taste of how intense our first game was:

Unfortunately the Llamas lost their next game to a series of very unfortunate and very lucky throws that a bunch of drunks were able to make.  It really didn't make any sense how we could have possibly lost.  We still have high hopes for next year, so stay tuned.


  1. Excellent post, and exciting description. I have one burning question: what happens if you hit the stone with the broom?

  2. youre not supposed to, but if you do it probably won't make that much of a difference because the stone is so heavy. if you did hit it and everyone objected to it, they would probably make you rethrow it, but that was never really an issue.
