
Friday, September 10, 2010


The week is flying by! It feels like Monday was just yesterday.  I'm very glad it's Friday because  I could really use some rest.  I now have a cold that everyone on my floor has...  But don't worry, I think I'll survive.  

Anyways, yesterday I had a crepe that was TO DIE FOR!!  It was dinner time, but I couldn't help myself.  I was craving something sweet because I haven't eaten ANY ice cream or sweets for over a week now!  I realized that up til a week ago I was eating soft serve ice cream almost every day just because it was there.  It was a problem.  Eating at a buffet style cafeteria every day 3 times a day makes the freshman 15 seem unrealistic.  More like the freshman 30?  I'm sure I'll be fine, I've been pretty careful for the most part.

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