
Monday, September 27, 2010


Today I got a very exciting package in the mail!! I was immediately very excited when I saw the Toy Story  box.  I got some pretty funny looks carrying the box from the mail room back to my dorm. I think they were very curious to see what was inside, but they will never see! If you're reading this, you're one lucky duck!

Unboxing Media

Toy Story box!! So sweet!

Unboxing VIDEO!

 I got started on the sweders while i was readin the letter from mom. YUM!

THANK YOU MOM AND FAMILY! You are the greatest! And I love you.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rainy Day

It's been a while since I've had something to blog about! I've been waiting for the perfect opportunity, and I think today is the day! I have lots to say!

I think today must have been Iowa State campus wide dihydrogen monoxide day (i'm lovin chemistry)! I didn't get the memo however.  When I woke up this morning, It was raining SO hard. There was lightning and hail. My bed felt sooo comfortable, I just couldn't get out of bed. Well I eventually did get out of because I needed to go to class.  Unfortunately, tuesdays are the days I need to go the farthest to get to class, so I pretty much had to ride my bike to get from class to class on time.  Well, either that or the bus. But not EVERYONE can ride the bus.  

You see, if everyone tried to ride the bus there would be terrible delays and that would just not be good! So I like to consider myself a campus hero for braving the weather! 

Anyways, at least the hail had subsided by the time I needed to get to class, but it was still pouring! I figured I was going to get very wet either way, so I decided to throw caution to the wind and ride my bike right through gigantic puddles and such with great speed. I soon gained an appreciation for rainy days that I had never had before! I think it's real fun. Occasionally I had to ride off the sidewalk to dodge slow pedestrians. Unfortunately, on a rainy day, where there's not concrete, there's mud. So you might know what I'm getting at. I soon began to realize how muddy I was getting! I was a little appalled at first BUT whooo caresss! People in my philosophy class wouldn't minnnd! I guess it wasn't even that big of a deal because it was raining hard enough that the mud was washing off at a faster rate that it was splashing on me! 

Another thing worth noting is how passionate my philosophy teacher was about the idea of deductive reasoning today...  He tends to get extremely excited about things and he kind of loses control of his body. He definitely almost fell over 3 times in front of us all because he was running into things. I don't know, I thought it was hilarious. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself a little. It was one of those things...

WHAT A DAY!  Rain up the wazoo, 4 classes, a career fair, and small group. It was all good, and it all went a lot better that I thought it was going to. Maybe a rainy day brought a little sunshine to my day for once. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Once upon a time a couple buddies and I decided we wanted to join an intramural team, but couldn't decide which team to join because of all the options at Iowa State!  This all changed when we came across the intramural curling tournament.  We quickly signed up because we realized it was the opportunity of a lifetime! We quickly got put together a team of 5 elite Minnesotans and a silly Illinoisan.  We soon decided that our team name should be "The Llamas", simply because we couldn't think of a more amazing animal. On Sunday, September 12th at midnight our first match began! From the very moment we stepped out onto the ice, we all felt at home right away. Our team unity was unmatched. In the huddle before the match, I gave a Llama inspired speech, and we all concluded it with a 123 llama cry!  The match was long and very competitive, but we ended up winning 6-2.  This removed all doubt in our minds that we would be the 2014 Olympic Curling Champions! 

Here are a few bits of media to give you a taste of how intense our first game was:

Unfortunately the Llamas lost their next game to a series of very unfortunate and very lucky throws that a bunch of drunks were able to make.  It really didn't make any sense how we could have possibly lost.  We still have high hopes for next year, so stay tuned.

Friday, September 10, 2010

What's on my mind:

"Don't look left, don't stray right, narrow is the gate that leads to life"

-Instincts by Ivoryline


The week is flying by! It feels like Monday was just yesterday.  I'm very glad it's Friday because  I could really use some rest.  I now have a cold that everyone on my floor has...  But don't worry, I think I'll survive.  

Anyways, yesterday I had a crepe that was TO DIE FOR!!  It was dinner time, but I couldn't help myself.  I was craving something sweet because I haven't eaten ANY ice cream or sweets for over a week now!  I realized that up til a week ago I was eating soft serve ice cream almost every day just because it was there.  It was a problem.  Eating at a buffet style cafeteria every day 3 times a day makes the freshman 15 seem unrealistic.  More like the freshman 30?  I'm sure I'll be fine, I've been pretty careful for the most part.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day!

Today has been a very productive day! I got all my homework done in about 2 hours.  I was originally planning on going on a bike ride to explore the area, but I wasnt able to because it started raining shortly after I did my homework.... Funny how that works sometimes.

Anyways, tomorrow is going to be a little bit of a shock after 3 days of relaxing! I have a very busy day ahead as I have 4 classes.  Maybe I will take a few pics to upload tomorrow if I have any extra time.  

This is Jack Trice Stadium, home of the cyclones!! We had our first game last Thursday, September 2nd.  Beat Northern Illinois Huskies 27-10!  It was an exciting game.  I guess we aren't as bad as I thought we were.  

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Cornerstone Church

Went to Cornerstone Church this morning at 11!  It's a beautiful church to say the least!  I think I will meet some great people here and get involved with The Salt Company, which is the youth group for college age students.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Iowa State Campus

Here are a few shots of the campus I took earlier today

Engineering building/Water tower

Bell Tower at central campus

Old trees

More engineering building

Lake/pond(?) This is where the swans swim =)

Central campus! Lots of pick-up ultimate games go on here!

Hello World!

I am very excited to experience what there is to experience, have the fun where fun is to be had, and explore whatever there is to explore!  

I am entering a new stage of my life as I am attending Iowa State University to study mechanical engineering!

When I think about the unknowns of my future, only one word comes to my mind--ADVENTURE! For most, it's easy to get nervous about what life has in store, but for me, it helps to view it as this incredible adventure that one day I will be able to look back on and smile.

In this blog I hope to share some experiences and bits of my life with you!  Over the next couple days I will be posting some pictures of my school and where I live, so stay tuned.