
Friday, October 15, 2010

My Toes Are Cold!

Dangit.... I keep forgetting to blog.  School is busy. Very busy.  It seems like school is kicking everyone's butt, including my own.  Especially all of the engineers that I live with.  Sometimes I just want to quit and do a major that would be more fun, like design.  That's definitely how I was feeling last week until I talked to my parents about it.  My dad told me that he was feeling the exact same way that I'm feeling right now-just completely overwhelmed and sick of engineering school.  He also reminded me that a lot of the work that I'm doing in school right now is nothing like what I will be doing in the real world.  Soooo I think i will stick with it because having an engineering degree will open up a lot of opportunities for me in the future.  

Last weekend my girlfriend Maddie came to visit me all the way from New York, NY!  It was great to see her and just be with her for the first time in a few months.  I was (and still am) definitely missing her very very much!  She came at a perfect time because midterms were all the week before, which was a very stressful time for me.  It was great to relax with her.  The leaves are all colorful and pretty here so it was fun to walk through the beautiful campus with her and just explore the fall beauty!  Maddie seemed to have an obsession with leaves the whole weekend- she would pick up all kinds of leaves and bring them back to my dorm. She would tape them on my door... I thought it was kind of weird, but I will admit that it looked a lot better than it did when it was plain and boring.  Quite a few people on my floor made comments about it, and i always gave the credit(blamed) it on Maddie.  It was kind of cute haha =) I was so happy that Maddie came to visit me! We had a great time together! I can't wait until I go to NY to visit her maybe sometime in the spring!

It has been kind of a hard week for me.  I'm really missing Maddie, my friends, and family.  I think Thanksgiving break will be nice. I can't wait.  

Monday, October 4, 2010

Parent Weekend

This past weekend was parent weekend. I really enjoyed seeing my parents for the first time in a couple months.  They also brought me a bunch of things such as more swedish fish, quesadilla supplies, Cheetos, more tea etc. which was very nice of them! I was really bummed Morgan was unable to come visit. But i understand because she had homecoming this weekend and it looks like she had a lot of fun! Anyways, on friday night when they got here, we went out to eat at this place called The CafĂ©.  They had delicious desserts! I think I would like to take a special someone here when they visit =) 

On Saturday I had to do a bunch of homework because I have 3 tests this week... (so not excited for that). After I did my homework I met with my parents and we went to a tailgate party before the football game. They had amazing frosting covered brownies. I may or may not have had three of them... 

After tailgating, we went to the football game which was really fun. Unfortunately I was unable to sit with my parents because of the ticketing situation, but my dad DID pick me out from across the stadium with his naked eagle eyes... I'm not quite sure how he did that. Here's a picture that I am in. If you can pick me out, maybe your eyes are as crazy as my dad's.

The actual game was great! The cyclones beat Texas Tech 57 to 38 I believe?  I just remember it being a pretty decisive victory! I hear that it was a huge upset for Texas Tech because apparently they're supposed to be good this year.  Apparently somebody was wrong because we beat them...

I had a great weekend! Thank you Mom and Dad for coming to visit me! 

P.S. maybe I will start blogging more often if i find the time :D I see that I have quite a few pageviews. 290+ in 2 months! Gotta keep my followers happy!

P.S.S. Photos courtesy of Mother Wolf =)