
Sunday, October 9, 2011

September 13th 2011

I love this bike- I kind of want to build/get my hands on one so I can buzz around campus. The Green Gator behind it would be OK too...

September 8th 2011

One evening as I walked into my dorm, I looked up and saw a magnificent moon, bright and shining through the clouds. I thought it looked pretty cool so I ran to my room to grab my roommate's camera and tripod. I like the way that Friley looks at night, so I added this into the shot. For some reason it reminded me of a scene that could be in the Harry Potter movies. Unfortunately, by the time I got all set up (and figured out how to take a shot at night~15s frame) the clouds had passed and were no longer shining through the clouds. However I'm still satisfied with the way this shot turned out!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

September 2nd 2011

I love sitting by the window on a warm afternoon while I study. I open my windows and feel the breeze as the wind blows my challenging homework around, but it's ok! The breeze is comforting-it reminds me that no matter what challenges arise in the future, God will overcome. His plan easily overcomes the illusion of uncertainty. God HAS overcome. Suddenly, as my papers fly around in a small tornado, the challenges of my life become insignificant. He will lead me, all I have to do is let him through the window of my heart.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

August 28th 2011

Maddie and my Grandpa visited me this weekend! We had a great weekend. One of the highlights was when we went to a nearby restaurant that has amazing desserts. 

August 23rd 2011

So the new school year has begun! My roommate Evan has been teaching me a good deal about photography. He has the ability to capture just about any moment artistically and crisply with a camera in hand. It's been fun to learn about what it takes to take a great photo- So far what I have learned is that external flashes are key! Here are a few shots of my mini Revo that I took just sitting on my dorm room carpet.