
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Strenuous Job

Today I had the hardest day of work EVER. Maddie and I had no idea what we were getting into when we agreed to weed a new customer's swimming area... We had to weed the thickest weeds I think I've ever seen. From the surface it didn't look that bad, but upon getting in and pulling them, it felt like pulling up sod from the bottom of the lake. Luckily it came up in chunks, but muck always was attached making each armful very heavy! 

Photo proof of our worst enemy... WEEDSSS (but without them we wouldn't have a business):

Yeah, it took 2 and a half hours to load these weeds onto tarps and haul them to the trailer. It was... a very strenuous activity.

At one point, a boat party floated by. Not sure if you can see the screened-in-porch-on-a-boat... thing haha! (Clicking on the picture reveals a much larger version):

Thanks for readin'! Toodles!