
Saturday, February 12, 2011

What to doooo....

I crashed my rc car into a fire hydrant last week (it isn't in great shape at the moment).  It was a very unfortunate incident!

Anyways, today while I was trying to think of something to do, I realized that my bed is getting REALLY unstable and rickety.  So I took off the board that I thought was the problem and realized that it was incredibly warped! If you have any idea how to unwarp a 2x4 please let me know, because no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to bend it back (surprise, surprise).  However, I did tighten some various nuts which hold my loft together, which seemed to help a LOT! Hooray!

I think spring is coming... Today it was 40 degrees and mostly sunny! I'm excited for some warmer weather-- it's pretty cold and windy during the winter here in Iowa!

Something that I've noticed about college is how fast time goes! I can hardly believe it's time to go by the end of most of my classes, and each week seems to fly! I always feel like I need more hours in the day during weekdays because I have so much to do!

One more thing to add: Last wednesday night at 2am I was rudely awoken by a fire alarm.... It was pretty alarming, especially because there is a smoke detector right above my bed. So everyone goes outside and waits... and waits... and WAITS for the signal that we can go back inside, but there was no evidence that we would be going back inside any time soon.  To make matters worse, it was -6 degrees outside.  I somehow had the presence of mind to grab my jacket before leaving my room,  but there were a few who were only wearing t-shirts. About 45 minutes after the alarm went off, it stopped sounding so my roommates and I went back inside.  We were so happy to be warm in our beds =) Still haven't heard anything as to what the cause of or who was responsible for this "emergency"... All seemed to be fine upon returning to my dorm!