
Tuesday, November 30, 2010


It was really chilly this morning walking to my 9 o clock math class... I was feeling pretty dreadful actually until I felt a little moisture on my face. Could it be?? Snow? FINALLY! Not much, but at least a little sign of winter.  

Also, last night I learned that I shouldn't drink mountain dew at night time. Or at all for that matter.

Happy Tuesday

Monday, November 29, 2010


Finals are coming! Must study! 

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here! All we need is snow! Can't wait for break.

I wish the heat in my car would work. It's gettin' chilly.

In other news- I sold my iPad. Probably going to buy an RC car of sorts... something to stimulate the brain. I think I started to realize I spend enough time online. I don't really need to bring the internet other places with me.

Here's a fun song to boost your Christmas spirit!

Peace! (on earth, good will towards men)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pro-RMK "a sled you can trust"

Just came across this vid today. My dad is AWESOME! =) I think he gets just about as stoked about snowmobiles as I do! ...Or maybe it's the other way around.  Anyways, I want his job.